
I write stuff sometimes. I've been published a few times. Most recently in The Flutist Quarterly. Also in Dance Magazine, album reviews in some newspapers, The Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest, Pu Pu Hot Pot, and a bunch of places I've forgotten. 

Coming soon in the Summer 2024 Issue of The Flutist Quarterly:

"Inside the Library of Congress' Flute Vault:

Eva Kingma Introduces the Majestic Double Contrabass Flute"

This spot right here, below this sentence, that being the sentence you're reading now, or maybe the next sentence.  Like this sentence.  Or this sentence.  Sometime time soon anyway... below this. I will post a poem, or some lyrics, which I will change frequently, or semi-frequently, or at least every now and then.  So come back frequently, or semi-frequently, or every now and then and maybe there will be something new for you to read!

The quantum dance of Schrödinger's Cat

by The Always Right Reverend Doctor Robert Are
In the quantum dance of Schrödinger's Cat, reality shatters into fractured echoes of possibility. The cat, both alive and dead, swirls in a kaleidoscope of uncertain existence, a paradoxical waltz where life and death pirouette on the precipice of the unknown. Waves collapse into particles, particles into waves, as the feline phantom prowls the corridors of quantum chaos, its fur a tapestry of probabilities, its claws scratching at the fabric of spacetime. In this subatomic symphony, the observer tiptoes on the tightrope of uncertainty, entangled with the cat, both observer and observed, until the cosmic dice tumble, and the universe's secrets unravel in the enigmatic rhythm of Schrödinger's Cat.

(With apologies to Octavio Paz)